Vrydag 27 September 2013
Sondag 22 September 2013
Pengertian Thin Client
1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan thin client itu? Jelaskan!
Thin Client adalah jaringan komputer terpusat, pemakai menggunakan komputer dengan spesifikasi minimum menjalankan aplikasi, menggunakan data dan daya komputer server.
Thin client merupakan langkah lebih lanjut di luar jaringan computer. Thin client tidak men-download kode (sistem operasi atau aplikasi) dari server namun hanya menjalankannya secara lokal. Semua kode dijalankan di server secara paralel untuk dilakukan beberapa klien. Thin client hanya berjalan pada user interface.
Thin Client dirancang untuk efisiensi dan pemanfaatan penuh kemampuan komputasi dari komputer server yang saat ini kekuatannya lebih dari cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komputasi normal dan di sisi lain menurunkan biaya pemakaian, perawatan dan investasi perangkat secara keseluruhan dibanding solusi fat client
2. Bagaimanakah cara kerja thin client itu? Jelaskan!
Konsep dasar cara kerja Thin Client Server Computing (TCSC) adalah melakukan komputasi sesuai dengan input dari sisi Thin Client dan mengirimkanhasil output berupa gambar atau display yang akan ditampilkan dimonitor client.Dengan demikian, pada sisi client tidak diperlukan kemampuan komputasi yang besar mengingat aplikasi yang diperlukan semua sudah dijalankan oleh server.
Dari thin client ke server: input keyboard dan mouse.
Dari server ke thin client: berupa gambar atau tampilan melalui monitor.
Untuk memungkinkan server melakukan proses sesuai input dari sisi client dan mengirimkan hasilnya kembali, diperlukan software Terminal Server/Aplication Server, atau sistem operasi yang sudah memiliki fasilitas tersebut.
3. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dari thin client? Jelaskan!
a. Keuntungan utama thin client adalah :
Kemudahan pemeliharaan dengan administrasi tunggal yang hanya dilakukan melalui server.
seperti instalasi / update aplikasi, penentuan pemakai, disk quota, sistem keamanan dan pemakai bebas menggunakan komputer mana saja, bahkan dapat diakses langsung dari Internet, jika Server terhubung ke Internet. Hal ini memberi kemudahan penggunaan thin client di luar kantor, kantor cabang, kios, tempat pelayanan tanpa memerlukan konversi aplikasi eksisting, misal dengan menggunakan Java, Web dan sebagainya.
Keuntungan kedua adalah dapat menggunakan komputer yang ada ( DOS/ Windows 31/Windows95) dengan atau tanpa hardisk
b. Kekurangan
Thin client ini terdapat kelemahan yaitu harus memiliki konektifitas jaringan yang baik karena kita melakukan interaksi secara terus menerus dengan server sehingga tidak boleh terjadi loss connection. Selain itu server harus memiliki hardware yang bagus karena secara bersamaan server akan menerima request dari client secara bersamaan dan terus menerus.
openThinClient - The Open Source Thin Client Solution
openThinClient is released as an open source software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2
openThinClient was created by the levigo group
Learn more about openThinClient and what it can do, or just proceed to the download section.
Why openThinClient
openThinClient has three main features, distinguishing it from most of the other thin client solutions:- The difference with the greatest impact is its server centralistic approach that minimises administrative work. The thin client only needs a PXE-capable network interface and no local storage i.e. flash or hard disk. All configuration data is held within a LDAP database that comes with the openThinClient Server or an MS-Active Directory.
- The openThinClient Manager and the openThinClient Server are written in Java so they will run on any OS that is supported by Sun Java 6.
- And best of all, you get a complete open source thin client solution free of charge.
Thin Clients & Security/Safety
In a traditional PC environment there are many opportunities to steal unprotected data or to install unwanted data via USB-stick, CD or DVD. Effective control of this, is nearly impossible to achieve. Data is often stored on client PCs, which makes the situation even worse.Server Based Computing offers substantial advantages, not only regarding possible attacks from the outside or theft of data. It has great potential in data safety and availability as well.
It doesn't take much effort, compared to decentral organised PC networks with spreaded server locations, to build an efficient data storage and a highly available and fail proof (redundant) infrastructure.
Thin Clients & Green IT
With the ongoing debate about climate change, the question how to save energy has been brought to the centre of attention in the IT-world right now. The Fraunhofer institute UMSICHTIn doing so they considered the whole product life cycle, including the production, operation and recycling phases. The conclusion was, that Thin Clients weigh about 70% less than normal PCs even if the server is included and take about 80% less transportation volume.
The production of Thin Clients itself needs less resources and energy than the production of normal PCs. The devices offer substantial advantages in production and logistics.
During normal use, Thin Clients only need half of the energy a normal PC would and in doing so they are not only economically but also ecologically a good alternative to avoid CO2 emissions and electronic waste.
The openThinClient product family
The openThinClient product family offers a powerful, universal solution for the Thin Client Computing needs of a wide range of organizations. In its open source version the software - consisting of the openthinclient Manager, the openthinclient OS and the openthinclient Server - is freely available. It may be used, customized and extended to your needs.Hardware & Support
If you are looking for Thin Client Hardware or need support for your Thin Client environment, you may take a look at openthinclientGet involved
Great, so you think openThinClient is cool (we do, too) and you want to get involved. You don't need to be necessarily a coding guru to help with this wiki documentation and to offer support help to other users on the mailing lists.Maandag 02 September 2013
Tentang Thin Client
A thin client (sometimes also called a lean or slim client) is a computer or a computer program which depends heavily on some other computer (its server) to fulfill its computational roles. This is different from the traditional fat client, which is a computer designed to take on these roles by itself. The specific roles assumed by the server may vary, from providing data persistence (for example, for diskless nodes) to actual information processing on the client's behalf.
Thin clients occur as components of a broader computer infrastructure, where many clients share their computations with the same server. As such, thin client infrastructures can be viewed as providing some computing service via several user interfaces. This is desirable in contexts where individual fat clients have much more functionality or power than the infrastructure requires.
Thin-client computing is also a way of easily maintaining computational services at a reduced total cost of ownership .[1]
The most common type of modern thin client is a low-end computer terminal which only provides a graphical user interface to the end user. The remaining functionality, in particular the operating system, is provided by the server.
A thin client (sometimes also called a lean or slim client) is a computer or a computer program which depends heavily on some other computer (its server) to fulfill its computational roles. This is different from the traditional fat client, which is a computer designed to take on these roles by itself. The specific roles assumed by the server may vary, from providing data persistence (for example, for diskless nodes) to actual information processing on the client's behalf.
Thin clients occur as components of a broader computer infrastructure, where many clients share their computations with the same server. As such, thin client infrastructures can be viewed as providing some computing service via several user interfaces. This is desirable in contexts where individual fat clients have much more functionality or power than the infrastructure requires.
Thin-client computing is also a way of easily maintaining computational services at a reduced total cost of ownership .[1]
The most common type of modern thin client is a low-end computer terminal which only provides a graphical user interface to the end user. The remaining functionality, in particular the operating system, is provided by the server.
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